Saturday, December 17, 2011

SoFino on Etsy

Found these while browsing on Etsy today. How cute, inventive and practical are they?! You should absolutely check out some of the other designs. And no, I don't know the creator, so I'm not plugging them for that reason. I also haven't bought one (yet), but they would make fantastic gifts. Sigh, they are way too nice to look at!

Friday, December 2, 2011

My Latest Endeavour

Okay, technically an "endeavour" is something that you try hard at, something that takes a lot of effort to achieve, so me choosing that particular word possibly wasn't the best choice but I do like the word and to my defence, I did put in effort. 
Moving on... this latest endeavour of mine is a watercolour and ink painting. I did this at about one in the morning as I could not sleep (so sad), but to tell you the truth, I believe that I am the most creative at those strange hours. I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out, hope you enjoy it too.