Friday, October 21, 2011

Many, Many Things

So I recently finished a piece of assessment for something-a-rather (I’m not giving details ‘cause it might give you enough grounds to be able to figure out who I am, and I’m not about to let anyone stalk me) and it was very different to the way I had planned it. It was meant to be three little things, but it was two bit bigger than little things and very different in style and sound. To say the least, I’m slightly disappointed in it and wish I didn’t have to submit it, but I do otherwise I’ll simply fail the assessment (I guess that could still be an option…)
But it made me think (it’s something I do every now and then) about how all of life seems a bit like that. I’ve got plans and stuff, but then either something I do or something someone else does can completely change the structure of that plan and then I’m left with something a little bit unexpected. Sometimes I’m not happy with it at first, but I adjusted and think, “This is better than I had planned!” OR I’m not happy with it, try really hard to adjust, but because of other circumstances I think, “Yeah, this is as bad as I first thought it was.”  
And that’s what life is. If we went through life with everything going as planned, then we’re pretty much fortune tellers (and how boring is that!), but the way life really does happen, we keep the fortune tellers in the dodgy carnivals scabbing our cash by mysteriously saying, “I see a loooong journey ahead of you with high adventure and luuverly romance and for $10 more I’ll throw in a trusty sidekick.” We need to plough through the hard times and (to use the colloquialism [E.M.]) see the light at the end of the tunnel even when there’s a bend in it. I guess I’m trying to say that we need to keep the hope alive (there’s a right bit more than hope! [Mr.B.]) even when the person living across the hall to you is playing really lame DJ music over and over…

Friday, October 14, 2011


Rabbits, I mean habits are interesting things. The New Oxford American Dictionary (yes, unfortunately, it's the American one I'm using, they need to learn how to spell 'colour') states it as:

hab•it  | ˈhabɪ|  (noun)
     a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

Where as, it states rabbit as:

rab•bit  | ˈrabɪ (noun)
     a burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail. •     Family Leporidae: several genera and species, in particular the European rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus), which is often kept as a pet or raised for food.

So it's not easy to mix the two words up when I put it like that...And back we go to my commentary on habits: unfortunately I have a habit of going off topic when I write short blog things like this one. So, since habits are hard to kick, I guess I'll also finish this post here where you really haven't learnt anything (I've a habit for that)...Sorry if this post disappointed you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Being Sanitised

There isn't any method to my posts, I merely post stuff when I think of it and considering my brain, it's usually rather random. So, bear with me on this journey (see, I just thought that sounded cool, it's not really a journey)...
Hand sanitisers are all the rage at the moment it seems. Most people I know seem to have a little bottle of Dettol in their bag. Unfortunately, I am kind of included in that because:
1.     I am a person that I know,
2.     I sometimes have a sanitiser in my bag somewhere,
3.     Another bullet point came up, so I felt as if I should write another bullet point and
4.     This shall be the last bullet point.
I must admit though, that I don’t use it all that often, and when I do, it’s mainly because it feels nice rather than to use it as a hand cleanser.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What's up?

So I know that no one has ever really seen this blog, but I'll write something else up anyway because that first post is looking rather lonely. I am a bit ashamed actually because it's been over a year since I first made that first post, but really, it's not my fault at all that I forgot the password to my blog. Okay, so maybe it is my own fault, it's not like I can blame The Doctor...*looks over shoulder* "Oh, what are you? You look really creepy and like an alien or something...Fine don't say anything but look at me with your creepy sunken in eyes..." *turns back to the computer* Huh? I don't remember typing all that up. I never saw anything. I never even looked over my shoulder! *Pulls up sleeve of jumper and exclaims* "What! I never drew that line on my arm." *Looks back over shoulder, screams, turns back to computer, feels slightly weird and looks at arm again. Does a double take* "Okay, who's drawing tally marks all over my arm? This isn't funny guys. Guys?..." *and posts this blog post without proof reading it first...